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Technology Commercialisation

AVS aims to set the pace and lead commercialisation of Agriculture Victoria research & innovation (R&I) in a manner consistent with AVS Values & Behaviours, Victorian Public-Sector Values, AVS Strategy and Victorian IP Management Principles.

AVS helps to determine the most appropriate ‘route-to-impact’ for the research & innovation outputs of AVR. Where the economic and productivity outcomes for the state will be greater and more rapid, a commercial route-to-impact pathway is pursued.

Where a commercialisation route-to-impact is pursued, the primary objective of AVS is to maximise the economic, environment and societal benefits of AVR technology innovation for Victoria.

Financial returns from commercialisation are sought commensurate with fair and reasonable value attribution of AVS intellectual property (IP) and AVR intellectual capital (IC).

AVS fulfils its R&I Commercialisation role through scaled & expedited commercialisation routes-to-impact via:

Technology Route-to-Impact Plans & Business Models

We devise and consider innovative route-to-impact approaches and commercialisation models for enhancing the impact of AVR innovations and associated IP-&-IC.

Commercialisation Licensing & New Ventures

We commercialise AVR technology innovations through licensing and entrepreneurial business ventures that enhance IP-&-IC impact.

AVS’ R&I Commercialisation Objective

Maximise Commercialisation Value & Impact.

AVS’ R&I Commercialisation Objective

To expertly commercialise the IP-&-IC assets of Agriculture Victoria to enhance their impact for industry and their economic value for Victoria by deploying novel, scalable, translational route-to-impact approaches, including early-stage, agile, entrepreneurial Victorian R&I ventures.

AVS always seeks to manage its technology commercialisation licences and collaborations consistent with the objectives of AVR, the Department’s IP Management Principles and Victorian Public Sector Values

AVS helps to determine the most appropriate ‘route-to-impact’ for research and innovation outputs of AVR. Where the economic and productivity outcomes for Victoria and Australia will be greater and more rapid, a commercial route-to-impact pathway is pursued.

Where a commercialisation route-to-impact is pursued, the primary objective of AVS is to maximise technology adoption by local industry for the economic benefit of the state.

Financial returns are a secondary objective and sought commensurate with fair and reasonable value attribution.

AVS’ strategic priority in the commercialisation of its IP assets are to ensure that commercialisation partnerships and agreements are negotiated and managed to: maximise the adoption of AVR-created technologies for local industry and farmer impact; to minimise risks; and to deliver economic and societal benefits for Victoria.

AVS always seeks to manage its technology commercialisation licences and collaborations consistent with the objectives of AVR, the Department’s IP Management Principles and Victorian Public Sector Values.